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2024 AIS Treatment Update

Dan Koll | Published on 6/4/2024
AIS chemical treatment is expected to take place sometime in the last two weeks of June.  The exact day will be selected based on weather conditions. The vendor needs a calm day, with minimal wind, to maximize the effectiveness of the ProcellaCOR chemical. Treatment activities for 2024 are budgeted to cost $51,400. Your donations are making the difference.

At the end of May, the Association received a chemical treatment permit from the Wisconsin DNR to treat 9.9 acres of milfoil. The milfoil locations that will be treated in 2024 are on the below maps circled in red.

Members that have property adjacent to a treatment area should have been notified that treatment will be taking place near your location. On the day of treatment, the vendor will display signs/ notices indicating that treatment has occurred.  The chemical, ProcellaCOR, is approved by the Federal EPA and the Wisconsin DNR for use in Wisconsin