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Membership Overview

RLPOA annual membership fees are $45/ calendar year.  RLPOA relies on membership dues and Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) contributions from property owners to fund Association activities.  AIS efforts are primarily focused on managing Eurasian water milfoil.  Anyone that loves Round and Little Round Lakes can join.

Membership Update – July 2024

As of July 1, 2024, 436 of our 689 (63%) property owners are members.  If you have yet to pay the $45 for 2024 membership, please pay at this time. 

NEW MAP:  Are you curious who else is a member, see who is a member (highlighted in blue).

Fellow members passing the word about RLPOA is one of the best way to encourage others to join, so if you see your neighbors aren’t members, talk to them about RLPOA and how we keep our lakes safe and clean.  

RLPOA Members Map (Members in blue)


Note: The date of this map is July 1,2024, so dues processed after that date are not reflected on this map.  We will update the map by Fall 2024.  Also if you own more than one property and only pay one membership fee, than only one of your properties will be highlighted.  If you have questions, email Carol at

Whether you have been on the lake for years or you are fairly new to the lake, we’d like to see everyone do their part in keeping our lakes safe and clean by paying their membership fee and generously contributing to AIS.  The RLPOA Membership Chair is Carol Kollodge –

To Join:

  • If you are renewing your membership, you can pay online at (click on Member Login) or by sending a check to RLPOA Box 1070 Hayward, WI 54843.
  • If you are new to the lake or have not been a member for awhile and want to pay online, please send an email to with your name, mailing address, lake address,  the amount you’d like to contribute (1 or 2-year membership and amount of AIS).  Login instructions will be sent by email and invoice will be created that you will see when you login. Or you can send a check to RLPOA Box 1070 Hayward, WI 54843.  Please include lake address on the check.  

Tip to paying online:  

You can use your credit card to pay online using a service through Paypal. Some members do not readily see the credit card option because the Paypal option is most obvious choice.  Here’s a tip when paying online:  Click on the Paypal button, when the popup that comes up, click on the gray letters (or it might be another light color) towards the bottom that says something like "Pay with Credit or Debit Card" bottom.  This will allow you to pay with your card.  


Interesting facts about our lake property owners (as of March 13, 2024):

--The mailing address for 275 owners (40%) is in Wisconsin.

--The mailing address for 256 owners (37%) is in Minnesota.

--The mailing address for 74 owners (11%) is in Illinios.

--Rounding out the top five states is Florida with 21 owners (3%) and Texas with 10 owners (1.3%)

--Owners live in 27 states plus one owner lives in London

Welcome Members
New Members (past 45 days)
Welcome Members
Membership Renewals (past 45 days)