Title: Annual Member Meeting Held on August 17 at Powells
Around 100 people gathered at Powell's for the RLPOA Annual Member Meeting on Saturday, August 17. Another 20 families joined by Zoom. This is one of our largest turnouts and we are grateful for all the support to RLPOA.
The meeting was recorded and that recording and presentation is available to members only. Members must log-in to listen to the presentation and/or view the PowerPoint, which is available on RoundLakes.org > Organization > Annual Meeting. If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot...". If that does not work, email membership@roundlakes.org.
The meeting was called to order and results of the board elections was shared. Officer roles will be determined in the next Board meeting by board members. A financial and membership report was provided as well as committee reports from Water Safety, Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), Social Committee and Water Quality. In addition, the Board shared that they are in the early stages of determining if a Lake District is a feasible option.
For those members not in attendance, please watch the recording or view the PowerPoint. An article on the Lake District summarizing the presentation will be posted/sent by email in the next month. In addition, educational sessions will be held as the Board learns more.
If you are not yet a member, please join today (click on Membership for details). All property owners on Round and Little Round Lakes need to join by paying a $45/calendar year membership fee, AND we also need members to donate generously to AIS to ensure we keep our lakes safe and clean.
Thank you to all those that attended the meeting on August 17. Thank you to Heidi and Jimmy Powell for sharing your beautiful restaurant with us. If you have feedback on how we could improve future annual meetings, please emailmembership@roundlakes.org.
Martin Hanson
Round Lake Property Owners Association