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HomePillar: Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

What the RLPOA is doing....Implementing a multifaceted strategy that combines education, monitoring, regulation, and public engagement, to effectively control and prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) in Round and Little Round Lakes while protecting native ecosystems.

RLPOA conducts a yearly lake survey that evaluates treatment results from the previous year. We evaluate infested areas in the lake and prioritize them for the following year’s treatment. Once we identify areas needing control, we create an EWM treatment plan that is presented to the DNR and LCO stakeholders for input and comment.

After all stakeholders offer input, we refine our treatment plan, apply for permits, and hire our treatment applicators to execute the treatment plan. We also hire and supervise experienced consultants to conduct our lake surveys that enable us to implement lake management strategies.

The AIS committee also executes an annual Small-Scale Surface Water Grant application with the goal of being awarded funding from the Wisconsin DNR to help offset costs for our invasive species management needs.


It is illegal to purposely blow leaves into a Wisconsin lake. 

This causes many issues.

2024 AIS Treatment Update - June

AIS chemical treatment is expected to take place sometime in the last two weeks of June.  The exact day will be selected based on weather conditions. The vendor needs a calm day, with minimal wind, to maximize the effectiveness of the ProcellaCOR chemical.  Treatment activities for 2024 are budgeted to cost $51,400. Your donations are making the difference.

At the end of May, the Association received a chemical treatment permit from the Wisconsin DNR to treat 9.9 acres of milfoil. It identifies the milfoil locations that will be treated in 2024. See maps below with treatment locations circled in red.

Members that have property adjacent to a treatment area should have been notified that treatment will be taking place near your location. On the day of treatment, the vendor will display signs/ notices indicating that treatment has occurred.  The chemical, ProcellaCOR, is approved by the Federal EPA and the Wisconsin DNR for use in Wisconsin

"Super Weed" Article that was written by a member of the WDNR

2024 Super Weed Article

2024 Documents and Activity

Fall AIS Survey Results:

Each year the Round Lake Property Owners Association conducts pre and post-treatment surveys of Round and Little Round Lakes as part of our lake management plan. The knowledge gained from each post-treatment survey is used by the AIS committee to inform our treatment strategy for the following year’s treatment plan. These surveys are conducted by our consulting firm, Aquatic Plant and Habitat Services, with the guidance of the board’s Aquatic Invasive Species Committee.

This year’s post-treatment survey and EWM/HWM bed surveys were conducted September 7-9, 2023. The methods, results and location maps of our findings are detailed in the document link below.

In summery there were 25.85 acres of EWM and HWM mapped in Round Lake in September 2023 and .94 acres in Little Round (see table below for year-to-year comparisons).

Round Lake

  • 6.39 acres highly dominant EWM/HWM 
  • 10.98 acres dominant EWM/HWM 
  • 6.26 acres scattered EWM/HWM 
  • 2.21 acres highly scattered EWM/HWM 

Little Round

  • 0 acres dominant or highly dominant EWM 
  • 0.69 acres scattered EWM 
  • 0.25 acres highly scattered EWM

2023 Documents and Activity

Round Lakes 2022 Post-Treatment Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Survey Results Now Available


Each fall the Round Lake Property Owners Association (RLPOA) conducts a full survey of Round and Little Round lakes where we evaluate the past summers treatment of EWM and gather data used to inform our treatment strategy for the following year.


These yearly surveys are conducted by our consulting partner, Aquatic Plant and Habitat Services LLC from Taylor, Wisconsin. In addition to surveying each treatment area, the team identifies all EWM beds and measures their density and size throughout Round and Little Round Lakes. Each location is identified on a series of 12 Maps with detailed information about each EWM bed and its history.


RLPOA members can access a PDF of the current survey report by logging into their member portal and clicking on the 2022 Post-treatment Report.


Please also note that lake management tools like these used to preserve the beauty of Round Lakes can only happen with every property owner’s financial support. If you are not a current member, please consider joining RLPOA and sending a check in support of our Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) mission to preserve the quality of YOUR lake.


RLPOA, AIS Committee 2023

2022 Round Lake EWM Report 02082023

2022 Documents and Activity

Approved chemical APM permit for EWM treatment on Round Lake

2022 EMW Treatplan Update

2022 Round Lake_Sawyer Cover Letter

2022 Round Lake NO-2022-58-14190 updated

2022 Reparian Owners