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HomePillar: Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) PRE 2022

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Information 2021

2021 Documents and Activity

2021 Final Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Survey Report

2021 Final Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Survey Report

Link to 2021 Round AIS Control Supplemental Information presented 10/13/21

2021 Round AIS Control Supplemental 101321

Invasive Species, A Mid-summer Update 2021 


As you may recall from our 2021 Spring RLPOA newsletter, we had planned to treat 11 milfoil locations in Round Lake and three small milfoil patches in Little Round. Based on our lake survey from the fall of 2020 we were confident we had all milfoil outbreaks well in hand and within manageable control.


Between June 18th and the 30th we were able to treat all 3 acres of milfoil per our approved WDNR permit. While we wish we could have treated earlier, weather conditions delayed access to the lake. However, while treating and continuing our vigilant survey of milfoil conditions, we discovered that the abnormal warm June temperatures and lower water levels caused an unprecedented expansion of EWM (Eurasian Water Milfoil) throughout the lake.


Especially worrisome was the expansive growth of milfoil in Richardson Bay. With the 4th of July quickly approaching we applied for a special treatment permit from the DNR. We were concerned that the additional boat traffic on the July 4th holiday would precipitate the spread of milfoil throughout the bay and beyond. Unfortunately, our permit request was denied by one of the DNR’s fishery specialists.


Also, unexpected EWM growth expanded in Little Round Lake where we planned a single day of DASH treatment to address three small areas. The new DASH team we hired is Aquatic Plant Management, LLC out of Minocqua, WI. 


We added a second treatment day where the dive team worked on as many locations as they could on July 13th and 14th


According to APM, they utilize several strategies for vegetation removal with minimal regrowth. By moving carefully and deliberately through the water, their Aquatic Vegetation Removal Specialists minimize the fragmentation of plants, further preventing their spread to new areas. In the case that any degree of fragmentation occurs, fragments are immediately located and removed from the water by either a diver or a member of the surface crew. The team also used a turbidity curtain to help contain any plant fragmentation. A turbidity curtain forms a barrier around the DASH unit (including the DASH boat) and extends from the lake surface to the lake bottom.  It is more labor and resource intensive to deploy and retrieve, hence taking more time in the screen’s deployment and removal at various treatment sites.


On a positive note, we recently began monitoring this year’s treatment areas. On July 16, co-chairman Dave Rutt reported that the treatment area at the entry of Richardson Bay that we treated three weeks ago with ProcellaCOR is totally free of milfoil with healthy native species thriving. We also received positive feedback on last year’s ProcellaCOR test site at the North end of Hinton Bay— that treatment area continues to be EWM free as reported by a very happy property owner.


Five board members have stepped up to continue monitoring our lake as we experience this abnormal EWM increase, but we can’t do it alone! 


We’re asking every property owner on Round Lakes to join us in identifying EWM outbreaks. Please communicate GPS coordinates to the AIS team to assure it makes it on our Lake survey map. You can do this by using a GPS phone app like MyGPS or other GPS apps, send coordinates along with the property address to;  Jim Nancekivell ( or Dave Rutt ( and we will make sure your information is included on our Fall survey. 




EWM Funding


We plan to continue to apply for future DNR Surface Water Grants but know that this funding strategy will fall short of our financial needs to control invasive water species in the future.


We appreciate the contributions from many property owners and hope for continued support. We encourage all property owners to join us in preserving the beauty and recreational resources of Round Lakes and protect this natural resource for generations to come. Please consider a donation to the RLPOA milfoil fund today at


Thank you for your continued support.


Jim Nancekivell and Dave Rutt

Co-Chairmen, Invasive Species Committee

Attached are our treatment locations and maps for our 2021 AIS control initiative. The herbicide application dates are as follows and correspond to the locations on the attached table.

2021 Round Lake EWM Treatment Tables & Maps


A2O- 6/20/21, B20- 6/20/21, C20 to be treated week of 6/28/21, D20- 6/22/21, G20- 6/23/21, S-19 not being treated this year, T20 6/22/21, U20- 6/22/21, X20 to be treated week of 6/28/21, V20- 6/18/21, W20- 6/18/21.


Due to the unusually warm June temperatures and low water on Round Lakes this spring, milfoil has increased far beyond what we expected based on our lake surveys from last fall, 2020. We applied for a second permit to treat additional milfoil outbreaks in Richardson bay knowing that the July 4 boat traffic will chew-up milfoil beds and spread milfoil fragments throughout the bay and beyond. The Wisconsin DNR and LCO officials denied our request for additional treatment.

2021 AIS Permit Application

Preliminary Springs milfoil treatment sites.

Attached are tables that list locations for the various sites and corresponding lake maps.


The specific treatments are yet to be finalized, but this information will communicate where on the Lakes we will be focusing on in the weeks ahead.

2021 Round Lake Eurasion Watermilfoil (EWM) Preliminary Treatment Plan

2020 Documents and Activity

AIS planned activity for Spring of 2021

2020 FINAL Aquatic Plant Management Plan (APMP) 102820

2020 Eurasian Watermilfoil Survey Report

Current conditions of Round Lakes invasive species 

Our goal continues to be focused on controlling existing aquatic invasive species to minimize navigation impairment.  Purple loosestrife was observed in 2014 in Little Round Lake, but not documented during the 2020 surveys in either lake.  Flowering rush was found at one location in southern Musky Bay of Round Lake in 2019 & 2020 but is mixed with native emergent vegetation and not cause for concern.  


Eurasian watermilfoil continues to be the main concern in Round Lake.  The RLPOA realizes that, unfortunately, complete eradication of EWM is not a realistic goal.  Chemical treatment has had success since EWM was discovered in Round Lake in 1993 and first treated in 1994 and has proven to be the most effective treatment in controlling the spread of EWM as well as the most economical option (the most expensive chemical treatment year for Round Lakes was $32,600 in 2019, a significant portion used to successfully treat Richardson Bay. The largest non-chemical treatment was DASH in 2018 at a cost of 41,200). 


Based on 2020 EWM survey results, the following beds will be targeted for herbicide treatment in 2021. A20, B20, C20, D20, & S19 located in or near Blue Island Bay (Map 8) . G20 located in Fisherman's Bay (Map 3).  U20 & T20 along the southwest shore of the large peninsula (Map 5).  X20 in Richardson's Bay (Map 4).  

Based on 2020 EWM survey results, the following beds will be targeted for herbicide treatment in 2021. A20, B20, C20, D20, & S19 located in or near Blue Island Bay (Map 8).  G20 located in Fisherman's Bay (Map 3).  U20 & T20 along the southwest shore of the large peninsula (Map 5).  X20 in Richardson's Bay (Map 4).  


It is our hope, that with ongoing rigorous surveying to guide herbicide treatment, the occurrence of EWM will remain low in Round Lake with greater manageability and more cost-effectiveness in keeping the EWM at low levels.


Seeking One Year DNR Grant to Fund Education, Surveys and EWM Treatment

We have applied for a one-year grant from the DNR to assist with funding for next year’s AIS activities. This project will allow continued surveying of EWM in Round and Little Round Lakes.  Such work is necessary to better understand effective EWM control techniques in these lakes.  For example, DASH was used to control EWM in 2017 and 2018.  The RLPOA was eager to have this method of EWM control available at that time.  Lake residents, especially in Hinton Bay, became concerned that DASH caused increased occurrence of EWM in 2017-2019.  Lake residents observed fragmentation of EWM caused by DASH even though volunteers were netting fragmented EWM from their kayaks.  There remains strong opposition to DASH in Hinton Bay because residents observed significant EWM increase after DASH was employed, ultimately leading property owners and the RLPOA to conclude that DASH made EWM "worse". As a result, DASH was not used in 2019 or 2020 and herbicide was used in its place. 


RLPOA also understands that with rapid herbicide dissipation in small-scale treatments, there is concern over effectiveness of this method. However, RLPOA believes this to be the most effective means of keeping EWM managed and at non-impairment levels. That is way our grant proposal includes another year of surveying to delineate new EWM beds and take rake samples at 500 points at old and new beds managed in some way since 2018.  Furthermore, the RLPOA is interested in the use of ProcellaCOR (PCOR) and would like to closely track efficacy and impacts to native species.  A PCOR treatment trial at 1.25 ac 8' deep in 2020 at the northeast corner in Hinton Bay. This project is unique and necessary because it allows for continued rigorous surveys of areas that have been treated since 2018 as well as ongoing control. We continue to subscribe to the practice of 

integrated pest management (IPM) principles which employs information about EWM's life cycle and its negative effects in combination with available control methods to determine the most economical means with minimal hazard to people, property, and environment. 



The Round Lake Property Owners Association (RLPOA) is applying for a permit from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to treat approximately 20 acres of Round Lakes with an aquatic herbicide to control the invasive plant Eurasian Water Milfoil. This proposed treatment would occur between June 1 and June 30, 2020.


The RLPOA will conduct a public information meeting on the proposed treatment if five or more individuals, organizations, special units of government, or local units of government request one. The meeting would give citizens a chance to learn more about the proposed treatment from the permit applicant. The RLPOA is not required to but may change the proposed treatment based on information provided by citizens who attend the meeting.


Any request for a public meeting on the proposed treatment must be made within five days after this notice is published. The request must specify the topic to be discussed at the meeting, including problems and alternatives. The citizen or organization requesting a public information meeting must also provide a current email address and phone number in case a meeting forum would need to take place online do to the current COVID-19 restrictions. The request must be sent in writing to the RLPOA, PO Box 1070, Hayward, WI 54843 and the Department of Natural Resources, 801 W Maple Street, Spooner, WI 54801.


This notice is required by Chapter NR 107.04 (3), Wisconsin Administration Code.




DRAFT Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Public Comment


The DRAFT Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Round and Little Round Lakes, Sawyer County, Wisconsin 2020-2024 is available for review and public comment.


2020 DRAFT Aquatic Plant Management Plan (APMP)



This draft is intended for public review from June 10 through June 26, 2020. Any comments to the plan should be submitted by email to the consultant, If email is not an option for the reviewer, contact Sara Hatleli at 715-299-4604. Thank you!

2019 Documents and Activity

AIS Update - Treatment Plan Revised

There have been significant milestones this year in the RLPOA effort to control Eurasian water milfoil (EWM) in Round and Little Round Lakes.  The first is more member support.  Dave Rutt and Jim Nancekivell, Round Lake property owners, where voted onto the board of directors at the July annual meeting.  They are co-chairs of the aquatic invasive species (AIS) committee and will lead association AIS treatment activities.  Other milestones were the successful treatment of Richardson Bay and the not so successful treatment of Hinton Bay.

In June, NEC, Inc. performed a whole bay chemical treatment of Richardson Bay.  This was the culmination of a 6-month planning and permitting process that involved the WDNR, LCO Conservation Department, and outside consultants.  Post treatment visual surveys indicate a stunningly dramatic reduction of milfoil in the bay.  We will continue to monitor the bay to gauge the long term effectiveness of the treatment. We are very pleased with the results so far.

In late June, members of the board and aquatic plant specialist Sara Hatleli toured Hinton Bay to assess the extent of milfoil in the bay.  For the past two summers, the association used diver assisted suction harvesting (DASH), a non-chemical treatment method, for milfoil control in the bay. During the tour, it was apparent that there was significant expansion of milfoil along the east and south shores and new locations identified on the west shore. Based on what was observed, the consensus of the group was that DASH treatment was not effective.  Armed with this information, the board voted to cancel all DASH treatments scheduled for 2019.

Property owner Dave Rutt, initiated a Go-Fund-Me campaign to raise funds for chemical treatment of Hinton Bay. With the generous response from Hinton Bay residents, $16,237 has been raised to date for treatment of the bay.

Dave and the RLPOA worked with the DNR to develop an alternative 2019 treatment plan for the bay.  After extensive consultation with the DNR, a plan was approved to spot treat two acres of milfoil that were navigational nuisance areas in the bay.  We were disappointed in this outcome, but it was the best that could be done on short notice.

The DNR does recognize that there is a significant milfoil issue in the bay that needs to be addressed.  The RLPOA is working with the DNR, LCO, and consultants to develop a whole bay treatment plan to be executed in 2020. The Go Fund Me dollars that Dave raised will be instrumental in the fulfillment of the plan.

In August, Aquatic Plant and Habitat Services, LLC. performed a survey of several known milfoil locations in Round Lake.  Its purpose was to document the size and density of milfoil at each location. This data is important because it will be used to plan future milfoil treatment activities. 

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed so generously to the aquatic invasive species fund this year.  Please encourage your neighbors to join the RLPOA and support the efforts to maintain and enhance Round and Little Round Lakes. We also want to remind everyone to avoid the use of fertilizers on your lawn— a healthy lake is far more important to your home’s value than a weed less lawn. 

Round Lake
     AIS Permit Application
     EWM Survey Summary
     Large Scale Permit Application
     2019 Richardson Bay EWM Map (Graphic jpg)
     Richardson Bay EWM Treatment Areas (Excel xlsx)
     Musky Bay EWM Map (Graphic jpg)
     Musky Bay EWM Treatment Areas (Excel xlsx)
     2019 Hinton Bay Permit Application     

Little Round Lake
     AIS Permit Application
     EWM Survey Summary and DASH Work
     Little Round EWM Map (Graphic jpg)
     Little Round EWM Treatment Areas (Excel xlsx)

Public Notice published in Sawyer County Record 05/15/19

2018 Documents and Activity

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Grant Application/Proposal

2018 AIS Grant Award Letter

2018 Pre-Treatment Survey and Report

Round and Little Round Lakes Preliminary EWM Survey Results

DASH Milfoil Removal Announcement
The RLPOA has contracted with TSB Lakeshore Restoration and Diving to perform two weeks of diver assisted suction harvesting (DASH) of Eurasian water milfoil throughout Round and Little Round lake. This is a non-chemical method to remove milfoil from the lakes. Work will commence on Monday July 30 and finish August 10. No work will be done on Saturday or Sunday.

Please stay at least 200 feet away from the work barge and divers to assure their safety.

A map of the proposed DASH removal locations is available above.