Cash/Check/Credit Card
You can donate cash at any in-person RLPOA event, such as “Dine Arounds.” You can donate by check by making the check payable to Round Lake Property Owners Association and mailing to Roud Lake Property Owners Association, PO Box 1070, Hayward, WI 54843. You can also make an online donation with your credit card—RLPOA does not see your credit card information; it is processed by Stripe and directly deposited into our operating account.
Stock Donations
RLPOA can accept donations of “in-kind” stock. This type of donation avoids capital gains taxes for both the donor and RLPOA. RLPOA converts any donated stock to cash at the earliest practical opportunity. If you need more information, contact your financial advisor and/or our treasurer at
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A great way for some people to donate is through a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” or “QCD.” You are eligible to do a QCD if you own an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and are at least 70 and one-half years old. Instead of withdrawing funds from your IRA and paying income taxes on the withdrawal, you donate directly to RLPOA through a QCD and you and RLPOA pay no income taxes on the donation. That’s a “win” for you and a “win” for RLPOA! A QCD is particularly helpful is you’re taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your IRA. Your donation to RLPOA could satisfy some or all your annual RMD withdrawal requirements. Talk with your IRA trustee, financial advisor, or tax preparer to see how a QCD could benefit you and RLPOA.
Thank you for your consideration and continued support of RLPOA.