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2022 Round Lakes Post-Treatment Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Survey Results Now Available

AIS Committee | Published on 3/9/2023

Round Lakes 2022 Post-Treatment Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Survey Results Now Available


Each fall the Round Lake Property Owners Association (RLPOA) conducts a full survey of Round and Little Round lakes where we evaluate the past summers treatment of EWM and gather data used to inform our treatment strategy for the following year.


These yearly surveys are conducted by our consulting partner, Aquatic Plant and Habitat Services LLC from Taylor, Wisconsin. In addition to surveying each treatment area, the team identifies all EWM beds and measures their density and size throughout Round and Little Round Lakes. Each location is identified on a series of 12 Maps with detailed information about each EWM bed and its history.


RLPOA members can access a PDF of the current survey report by logging into their member portal and clicking on the 2022 Post-treatment Report.


Please also note that lake management tools like these used to preserve the beauty of Round Lakes can only happen with every property owner’s financial support. If you are not a current member, please consider joining RLPOA and sending a check in support of our Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) mission to preserve the quality of YOUR lake.


RLPOA, AIS Committee 2023

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)